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 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

Rachia Thulani / Benmakhlouf Adam / Mouflih Myriam / Whittle Alberta / Alaya Ang / Ka Yi Liu Katherine: ruine 05 - The Phone is the Keyhole - The Penpot, the Heart., 2018


Rachia Thulani / Benmakhlouf Adam / Mouflih Myriam / Whittle Alberta / Alaya Ang / Ka Yi Liu Katherine: ruine 05 - The Phone is the Keyhole - The Penpot, the Heart., 2018

  • ruine 05 - The Phone is the Keyhole - The Penpot, the Heart.
Ort Land

  • [8] S., 17x29,7 cm, 2 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    2 handgefaltete Bögen, 65 x 118 cm, A4-Blatt mit eingeprägtem Signet als Umschlag, Spanngummi, Vorderseite Fotos Schreibtisch/Computer, Rückseite Collage aus Texten, Zeichnungen
  • Herausgegeben von Ruine München, die AutorInnen gehören dem Komitee der Transmission Gallery Glasgow 2018 an.
    Erschienen in der Publikations- und Ausstellungsreihe Ruine München, in Verbindung mit Galerie-Austausch various others. 14.09.18: ZINE Release, Königsplatz, München
    On the occasion of Various Others we are glad to announce that Transmission Gallery Glasgow will do the next issue of Ruine München. Transmission Gallery has existed since 1983 and it is managed and programmed by a voluntary committee of six people, each of whom joins successively and may serve for a maximum of two years. For Ruine München the current commitee (Thulani Rachia, Adam Benmakhlouf, Myriam Mouflih, Alberta Whittle, Alaya Ang and Katherine Ka Yi Liu) developed a mapping of their space trying to include all their current changes, reflections and workflows using the principles of painterly abstraction as a means of institutional reflection and critique.
    Text von der Webseite
Stichwort / Schlagwort
Erworben bei Kunsthaus Raab


McCarthy Anna: How to Start A Revolution – The Musical, 2018

  • How to Start A Revolution – The Musical
Verlag Jahr

  • [300] S., 28,5x21,3 cm, Auflage: 100, numeriert, signiert, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Hardcover mit Schnürsenkel verschlossen, Digitaldruck, 11 eingelegte Risodrucke, gedruckt bei Extrapool/Nijmegen, mit handschriftlicher Widmung
  • So what was it like before everything went hell-bent batshit crazy? Enter Prof. Dr. of Pseudology, Anna McCarthy, with her HOW TO START A REVOLUTION book and its endless footnotes and twists and turns. She explains to us the chronology of politics and personal occurrences through this haze of a microcosm.
    HOW TO START A REVOLUTION is a multi-layered work that deals with clichés of rebelliousness. It is embedded in socio-political events from 2007 to 2015 and their mediated and subjective reception. It deals with rebellion in limbo, in which change seems ominent, mirroring the current political atmosphere. Geographically anchored in Munich and Bavaria, it reaches beyond the local peculiarities and relocates them into the context of historical global events. A microcosm of reoccuring people and places stand in as exemplary figures for global events in a humorous, absurd, and critical manner. Examples are documentaries such as 'Bored Rebel in Oberpfaffenhofen' or ridiculously provocative political actions in public spaces, numerous "in-flux" archives, a pathetic musical, which was first performed in 2013 at Haus der Kunst, and even a permanent installation in Tito’s ex-Bunker in the hills of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    The project has been exhibited internationally, including at Nottingham Gallery for Contemporary Art, Chisenhale Gallery London, Schloss Ringenberg, Galleribox Akureyri Iceland, Goethe University Frankfurt, D-0 Ark Underground, Konjic, and at Transmission Gallery in Glasgow, amongst other locations. ...
    Text von der Website
Erworben bei Edition Taube

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